What Is Sex Addiction & Sex Addiction Therapy?
Steve Wham specializes in sex addiction therapy. He is the only male certified sex addiction therapist (CSAT) in Evansville, Indiana, the Tri-state area. He collaborates with a female CSAT therapist to work with couples to help restore relationships.
Sexual addiction, also known as “sexual compulsion,” “hypersexuality,” and “hypersexual disorder,” is a dysfunctional preoccupation with sex, often involving the obsessive pursuit of non-intimate sexual encounters (affairs, casual sex, anonymous sex, prostitutes, pornography, compulsive masturbation, and the like).
This pattern of urges, fantasies, and behaviors continues for a period of at least six months, despite the following:
- Attempts made to self-correct the problematic sexual behavior.
- Promises made to self and others to change the sexual behavior.
- Significant negative life consequences such as relationship instability, emotional turmoil (shame, guilt, isolation, etc.), physical health problems, and career trouble.
In simpler terms, sexual addiction is an ongoing, out-of-control pattern of compulsive sexual fantasy and behavior that is causing problems in the addict’s life.
Sex Addiction / Relationship and Sex Recovery/ Betrayal Trauma:
Steve is one of the few CSAT Certified Sex addiction therapists in the Tri-State area and is trained and experienced in treating all the above conditions caused by excessive or inappropriate sexual behaviors or mental preoccupation with sex or sexual fantasy. Betrayal Trauma is very similar to PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that is a reaction to things associated with the traumatic events.
The great news is there is a way out – there is a solution.
Call me today to schedule an appointment and begin your road to recovery.
About Steve
Steve’s goal is to provide a safe and comfortable setting to maximize the benefit of your time. Part of his personalized service is that when you call the office, you are calling his personal phone. Not an answering service. Not a receptionist.
Steve is experienced, and his approach is to be direct. He will challenge you in areas where you struggle to assist you in moving forward.